What is Patent Registration?

 What is a Patent?

In India Patents Act, 1970 and the Patents Rules, 1972. Patent India patent office allows the patent owner to maintain a monopoly for a limited period on the use and development of an invention. This right excludes others from making, processing, producing, using, selling and importing the product or process into India without the consent of the patent owner.

Advantages of Patent

     Protects the invention: It is an intellectual property that protects your invention and prevents others from using it without your prior permission.

     Sell ​​or transfer patent rights: Registration of a patent allows you to sell, transfer or franchise your patent. This will help you generate more revenue.

     A patent is valid for 20 years: Your invention gets protection for a particular period which helps you to protect your invention.

What is Patent Registration?

A patent registration helps you to get a patent for an invention made by an individual or a firm in a subnational property. IP department has been started by the Indian government to give full right to register your invention under patent (but only if it is unique). In return, the inventor has to submit all the proofs related to the invention as the government asks. It also ensures that the owner gets more priority over the other person for your invention. In India, patent law is governed by the Patents Act 1970 and the Patents Rules 1972. Patents do not extend to a lifetime. If you file a patent then after a period of 20 years it comes under the public domain. An invention can be anything, such as a process, an art, a method of manufacturing, a special device, a machine, computer software, a technical application, a chemical, or a drug.

Benefits Of Patent Registration

     Provides the sole right to commercially exploit the rights on an invention

     Subpoena his rights in favour of another person

     Likely to be named

     Exclude all others to use, sell, or offer to market your invention in your country

     Having a patent helps you get funding because investors consider it valuable


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