Employee-Employer Patent Ownership Regime in India: Navigating the Complexities
Introduction The recent case of JN Mangesh v. Paladin Paints [1] has brought to the forefront the intricate issue of patent ownership between employees and employers in India. This case has rekindled discussions on patent ownership, exposing notable deficiencies in the Indian Patents Act, of 1970, particularly in contrast to other legal systems. Contractual agreements have become increasingly important due to the absence of clear statutory guidance about patent ownership in employee-employer relationships, which frequently leaves both parties exposed. This article explores the legal landscape, worldwide comparisons, and potential solutions as it digs into the subtleties of this problem. Current Practice in India According to current practice in India, it is customary for employees to transfer their patent rights to their employer. Pre-assignment clauses in employment contracts and assignment agreements made after an invention are commonly used to enable this. The reasoning is si...